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Stone Carving: Bas-relief and Relief - Techniques, Tools and Artistic Evolution

Stone Carving: Bas-relief and Relief - Techniques, Tools and Artistic Evolution

Introduction and Historical Context: Stone Carving Tools through Time

The fundamental role of tools in the art of stone carving

Stone carving, one of the oldest art forms, has been essential in the expression of human creativity. However, this art would not be possible without the use of specialised tools. From rudimentary chisels to modern precision tools, the development of these tools has been key to the evolution of stone carving.

Evolution of stone carving tools

At the dawn of history, carving tools were simple and functional, designed to work with the stones available. Over time, each culture and civilisation introduced innovations to these tools, improving their efficiency and precision. The ancient Egyptians, for example, developed specific tools for carving hieroglyphs in granite and basalt, while the Greeks and Romans perfected tools for marble, allowing an unprecedented level of detail.

1 evolucion de las herramientas de piedra

Influence of tools in different cultures

Each advance in the manufacture of stone carving tools opened up new artistic possibilities. In Asia, tools enabled the creation of complex religious sculptures, while in Europe, the evolution of these tools was fundamental to the development of Gothic architecture and its detailed reliefs.

Carving tools in the modern era

Today, stone carving tools combine tradition with technological innovation. The introduction of power tools and CNC machinery has revolutionised carving techniques, allowing artists and craftsmen to achieve previously unimaginable levels of precision and efficiency. However, the ability to handle traditional hand tools remains invaluable, connecting modern carvers to a historical legacy.

Stone Carving Tools and Techniques: From Basic to Complex

Stone Selection: The First Step in Stone Carving

Before beginning any carving project, it is crucial to select the right type of stone. Each variety, from marble to granite to limestone, has unique characteristics that influence the carving process. For example, marble is prized for its smoothness and ability to detail, while granite is known for its hardness and strength, requiring more robust tools.

2 Selección de la piedra El primer paso en la escultura

Essential tools for stone carving

Stone carving requires a specific set of tools, each designed for a particular function. Some of the most common tools include:

  • Chisels: used for cutting and shaping stone. They vary in size and shape, from flat chisels for creating smooth surfaces to serrated chisels for texturing.

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  • Mallets and Hammers: These provide the force needed to work the stone, from heavy mallets for roughing to lighter hammers for fine detailing.

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  • Files and rasps: These tools are essential for smoothing and refining the surface of the stone after carving.

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Carving Techniques: From Bas-relief to Full Relief

Stone carving encompasses a variety of techniques, each suitable for different styles and details:

  • Relief carving: this technique involves carving the stone so that the design rises above the background. It is ideal for decorative panels and artistic works. A notable historical example is the "Altar of Pergamon", a Hellenistic monument famous for its high-relief frieze depicting the battle between the gods and the giants.

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  • Low relief carving: Similar to relief, but with less depth, giving a more subtle sense of dimension. A classic example is the "Parthenon Frieze" in Athens, which shows the procession of the Panathenaeas in exquisite detail in bas-relief, capturing elegance and movement with minimal depth.

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  • Texturing: Using serrated chisels and other tools, artists can create a variety of textures to add depth and character to the work. A historical example of texturing can be found in Egyptian sculptures, such as those in the tomb of Ramses VI, where stone texture was used to give a distinctive effect to clothing and hair.

5 texturización

The carving process: A balance between strength and precision

Stone carving is both an art and a science. It requires an understanding of the structure of the stone and an ability to apply the right amount of force. Artists begin with roughing, removing large portions of material, and gradually move to finer techniques to detail and polish the work.

The Importance of Sharp Tools and their Maintenance in Stone Carving

Keeping tools sharp for effective stone carving

In the art of stone carving, working with sharp tools is essential. A properly sharpened cutting edge allows for greater control and precision, making it easier to create fine details and complex textures in the stone. In addition, sharp tools reduce the need to apply excessive force, which not only improves the quality of the v regularly to ensure its effectiveness. A visual and tactile inspection before each use can help identify the need for re-sharpening, ensuring that tools are always in the best condition for the job.

Cleaning and maintenance to prevent rust and damage

Proper care and maintenance are essential to prolong the life of stone carving tools, especially to prevent rust and protect delicate components such as widia.

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  • Post-use cleaning: After each carving session, it is important to clean the tools to remove stone residue and dust. This not only keeps the tools in good condition, but also prevents the accumulation of particles that could cause wear or damage.
  • Proper storage: Storing tools in a dry and clean place is crucial to prevent rusting. The use of protective sleeves or storage on appropriate shelves can prevent contact with moisture and other corrosive elements.
  • Special care for widia: Tools with tungsten carbide (widia) tips require special attention. Avoid hard knocks or falls that could fracture this brittle material and ensure that they are stored in such a way that the tips do not come into direct contact with hard surfaces.

Practical tips for tool care

  • Avoid exposure to moisture: Keep tools away from damp environments and, if possible, use dehumidifiers in the storage area.
  • Regular inspection: Carry out regular inspections for signs of corrosion or wear, especially on joints and cutting areas of tools.
  • Use of lubricants and protectants: Applying protective oils or tool-specific lubricants can help prevent rust and keep moving parts in good condition.

Safety and Practical Projects in the Stone Carving Workshop

7 seguridad para el tallado de piedra

Prioritising safety in the workshop

Safety is a fundamental aspect of the stone carving workshop. Since sharp tools and heavy materials are involved, it is essential to adopt safety practices to prevent accidents and injuries.

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The use of safety glasses, sturdy gloves, hearing protection and dust masks is essential to protect against stone particles and the hazards associated with the use of tools.
  • Safe working environment: Maintaining a tidy and clean workshop helps prevent trips and falls. In addition, it is important to ensure that the work area is well lit and ventilated.
  • Correct use of tools: Familiarity with the proper handling of each tool and adherence to safe carving techniques are key to avoiding accidents.

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Developing practical projects

In addition to safety, practice and experimentation are essential for developing skills in stone carving. Here we present a basic practical project that can serve as a starting point for beginners:

Starter project: Carving a simple Bas-relief

  • Stone selection: Start with a soft stone such as limestone, which is easier to carve and excellent for practice.
  • Motif design: Choose a simple design, such as a flower or geometric pattern, and draw it on the stone with a pencil.
  • Tools needed: Use chisels of different sizes and shapes for scrapers and grinders to rough out the background and define the details of the design.
  • Carving technique: Start by roughing out the background of the design to create the bas-relief effect. Then use finer chisels to detail and clean up the edges of the design.
  • Polishing and finishing: Finish the project by smoothing the surface with fine-grit sandpaper and rasps.

Tips for advanced projects

As you gain experience, you can tackle more complex projects involving advanced techniques and harder stones. It is important to keep learning and challenging yourself with more intricate designs and more sophisticated techniques.

Conclusion: The Continuing Evolution of Stone Carving

The art of stone carving, one of the oldest and most respected forms of expression, remains a vibrant and constantly evolving discipline. From the careful selection of stone to the meticulous application of Relief and Bas-relief carving techniques, each step of the process reflects both the historical heritage and ongoing innovation in the field.

The importance of using proper and well-maintained tools cannot be underestimated. Sharp and well-maintained tools not only facilitate the creation of detailed and expressive works, but also ensure safety and efficiency in the workshop. In addition, regular maintenance and rust prevention are essential to preserve the quality and lifespan of these indispensable tools.

In the stone carving workshop, safety is paramount. The adoption of safe practices and the use of personal protective equipment are essential to protect the artist from potential hazards. In addition, the completion of practical projects, from simple designs for beginners to more complex works for experienced carvers, allows for the development and refinement of skills in this art.

Although this post has not explored it in depth, the latest technological innovations are going to give stone carving a lot to play with. Artists can create and visualise complex 3D models before beginning the physical carving process, allowing for more detailed planning and experimentation with innovative forms. In addition, computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines allow for precise cutting and carving that would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to achieve by hand. This opens up a new world of intricate designs and exact replication. In the field of stone carving, it is clear that the combination of traditional techniques with modern methods will continue to enrich and expand the possibilities of this ancient art.

Stone carving is an art that continues to challenge, inspire and evolve, maintaining its relevance and beauty over time. For stone carving enthusiasts and practitioners, each piece is an opportunity to connect with a rich artistic tradition and, at the same time, leave their own mark on the history of this timeless art.

Discover the Secrets to Stone Carving: Advanced Techniques and Tools That Will Take You Beyond the Hammer and Chisel

Discover the Secrets to Stone Carving: Advanced Techniques and Tools That Will Take You Beyond the Hammer and Chisel

Introduction to the Millenary Art of Stone Sculpture

Welcome to the fascinating world of stone sculpture, an art form that has been an integral part of human history since time immemorial. From ancient civilisations to modern masters, stone sculpture has been a means of expressing creativity, spirituality and technique. It is not simply a craft; it is an art that has evolved with humanity, and remains as relevant today as it was for our ancestors.

Master Stone Sculpture:  Your Definitive Guide to Selecting  and Handling the Essential Tools

Master Stone Sculpture: Your Definitive Guide to Selecting and Handling the Essential Tools

The art of stone carving has throughout history been one of the purest and most enduring forms of artistic expression, each stroke a stroke of passion, each tool a brush shaping a rocky canvas. If you've ever felt overwhelmed in choosing the right tools or wondered how the masters bring stone to life, you're in the right place. Behind every great work of art, every detail, every stroke, there is a tool that makes that expression possible. These tools not only serve as extensions of the artist's hands, they also play a vital role in transforming a vision into a tangible reality. From basic tools to buying tips, we take you by the hand on this journey, get ready to sculpt your own masterpiece and unleash your potential.

Masonry, Garden Walls and Flooring: Create Unique Spaces in your Home

Masonry, Garden Walls and Flooring: Create Unique Spaces in your Home

The architecture of our home does not end with the four walls of our home. Outdoor spaces, whether patios, gardens or terraces, form an integral part of our home, providing an area for relaxation, recreation and connection with nature. The quest for uniqueness and exclusivity is on the rise in the world of interior and exterior design. One of the most effective and durable ways to achieve this is through masonry.

Discover the Secret of Master Sculptors:  The Power of the Pointing Machine or Pantograph

Discover the Secret of Master Sculptors: The Power of the Pointing Machine or Pantograph

In the world of sculpture, few tools can emulate the precision and performance of the pointing machine or pantograph. Known for its utility in transferring exact measurements from a model to a block of stone or wood, this tool has proven to be an essential piece in a sculptor's toolkit. In this article, we will delve deeply into the history and use of the pointing machine.

The ancient art of stone lettering: An exciting journey into current and future trends

The ancient art of stone lettering: An exciting journey into current and future trends

Stone lettering has evolved throughout history, from ancient civilizations to the artistic flowering of the Renaissance and with technological innovations today. Enter into this exciting journey and learn about the techniques, tools, and styles that have marked the development of this noble art.

In the origins of lettering in stone, ancient civilizations were already capturing their legacy in imposing monuments and structures. Egypt, Greece and Rome, among others, used stone carving to engrave lasting and symbolic messages. With rudimentary tools such as hammers and chisels, the craftsmen of the time gave life to typographies and classical styles that have survived to the present day.

herramientas antiguas para tallar piedra

The Renaissance, a period of great artistic and cultural flourishing in Europe, brought with it important advances in stone lettering. Innovations in carving and engraving allowed for greater precision and detail in lettering, thanks to the introduction of steel tools of greater quality and strength. The influence of printing and the art of calligraphy also left their mark, with typographers and calligraphers collaborating with lapidaries to create new styles and typefaces.

Architecture and design also played a crucial role in the renaissance of stone lettering. Emblematic artists and architects of the time, such as Brunelleschi, Alberti and Michelangelo, used stone inscriptions on their majestic works, conveying messages of power, religion, and humanism. The integration of stone lettering with architectural elements and artistic composition led to the creation of iconic works that continue to amaze the world to this day.

lettering en elementos arquitectónicos

Specialized tools for stone lettering


On the other hand, stone lettering has evolved to adapt to contemporary trends and styles, ranging from minimalist and abstract designs to the incorporation of geometric elements and innovative typographies, while maintaining its essence as a reflection of human creativity. The revaluation of craftsmanship in the modern era has boosted interest in this art, fostering the formation of new generations of artisans. Likewise, e-commerce specialized in stone carving tools has thrived thanks to the digital transformation. Offering innovative solutions and expanding the reach and visibility of stone lettering, creating opportunities for artisans and companies involved in this market, thus enriching the global artisan community.


Technological advancement has taken the art of stone lettering to new heights, providing artisans with cutting-edge materials and tools that simplify and optimize their work. With the incorporation of power tools, pneumatic tools, laser technologies and Computer Numerical Control (CNC), endless creative possibilities have been unleashed in the realm of carving and engraving. In addition, the digital age has driven the integration of disruptive technologies such as 3D printing, virtual and augmented reality, and digital design tools, transforming the way artisans interact with stone and expanding stone lettering into the digital environment. This has given rise to virtual courses and workshops, as well as communities and support networks that connect artisans around the world.


Specialized tools for getting into stone lettering vary according to the needs of each project, with the stone being worked on determining the type of tool required. As the stones become harder and more demanding, the tools will require a widia tip. Among the tools that can be used are manual tools, accompanied by a small hammer or Portuguese mallet, pneumatic tools, which make our work easier, and electric tools with diamond tools such as mini discs and milling cutters.


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Among the tools available, we can mention hammers of different weights and shapes, high quality chisels, both steel and widia. There are also pointed chisels, hand claw chisels, electric and pneumatic tools, finishing and polishing tools, measuring and scribing tools, supports and specific easels. Safety and security materials and accessories, digital design software and applications, and laser and CNC technology equipment are available to complement these. These tools allow artisans to explore, experiment and create masterpieces in stone with greater ease and precision, while fostering innovation and collaboration in the field of stone lettering.


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Stone lettering also has a profound psychological impact on those who practice it. The emotional connection to the stone and the creative process fosters a unique relationship between the artisan and his or her work. In addition, it offers therapeutic and cognitive benefits, such as increased concentration, promotion of creativity and personal development to all who practice it. 

Not only does it allow the artist to express their emotions, thoughts and personal experiences in a tangible and lasting way, but they also cultivate skills and attributes. These enrich their lives and allow them to successfully meet the challenges and opportunities that come their way, with learning and honing skills in stone lettering can teach artists the importance of patience, perseverance and personal growth.

By focusing on the carving and engraving process, artists immerse themselves in a state of flow that calms the mind and relieves stress. This meditative approach also strengthens problem-solving skills and improves fine motor coordination and spatial perception. By facing creative and technical challenges, artisans experience an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence.

Stone lettering is an ancient art that has transcended time and borders, leaving its mark on human history and in the hearts of countless generations of artisans. From its origins in ancient civilizations to the technological innovations of the digital era, this noble art has evolved and prospered, adapting to contemporary trends and styles without losing its essence and charm.

Technological advancement has expanded creative possibilities and facilitated access to tools and resources for stone lettering artisans, connecting communities and fostering global collaboration and knowledge sharing. In addition, the practice of stone lettering offers therapeutic and cognitive benefits, enriching the lives of those who practice it and cultivating skills that transcend the artistic realm.

By continuing to explore and celebrate the exciting world of stone lettering, we not only honor the legacy of our ancestors, but also contribute to keeping alive an art that continues to captivate and inspire new generations. As lovers of art and creativity, we have a responsibility to preserve and enhance this cultural heritage, sharing its beauty and meaning with the world.

Funerary art, techniques, tools, and R&D

Funerary art, techniques, tools, and R&D

Have you ever stopped to think about the beauty of funerary art?

Funerary art is a discipline that has involved over the years, reaching levels of detail and perfection that leave one speechless, becoming a unique artistic expression. In this article, we will focus on its techniques and tools, as well as the latest trends in R&D.

Cladding of facades with natural stone: Advantages, tools and latest innovations

Cladding of facades with natural stone: Advantages, tools and latest innovations

Walls are a fundamental element in decorating a home or office, and covering them with natural stone is a popular and effective way to improve their appearance and functionality. In addition, natural stone wall cladding offers numerous benefits, including its resistance to water, fire and stains, as well as the ability to increase property value and improve indoor air quality.

In this post, we'll explore everything you need to know about natural stone wall cladding, from the different types of stone used to the steps involved in installing and caring for it. Additionally, for builders looking to diversify their services and take advantage of new profitable opportunities, we will present some ideas for offering innovative and sustainable construction services.

Read on to find out how natural stone wall cladding can enhance your home or office and how you can take advantage of new opportunities in the construction market.

Types of natural stone for wall cladding

Natural stone wall cladding offers a wide variety of design options as there are different types of natural stone available. Some of the most popular types of natural stone for wall cladding include granite, marble, travertine, quartz, and slate.

  • Granite is a very resistant and durable natural stone, with a wide variety of colors and textures available. It is ideal for cladding exterior walls due to its weather resistance and its ability to withstand heavy loads.
  • Marble, on the other hand, is an elegant and sophisticated natural stone that is ideal for covering interior walls. It is available in a wide range of colors and textures and has a smooth, luxurious finish.
  • Travertine is a porous and permeable natural stone that provides a warm, rustic look to clad walls. It is ideal for lining interior and exterior walls, especially in hot and dry climates.
  • Quartz is a strong and durable natural stone that is ideal for cladding interior and exterior walls. It is highly resistant to stains and has a modern and elegant appearance.
  • Slate is a strong and durable natural stone that provides a natural, rustic look to clad walls. It is ideal for cladding exterior walls due to its weather resistance and its ability to withstand heavy loads.

Natural stone wall cladding offers a wide variety of design options, with different types of natural stone available to suit any style and need. Consult a professional to find the right type of natural stone to fit your project.

Benefits of wall cladding with natural stone

Natural stone wall cladding offers numerous benefits, making it an excellent option for those looking to improve the appearance and functionality of their home or office. Some of the main benefits of natural stone wall cladding include:

Water resistance: Natural stone is resistant to water, which makes it ideal for cladding walls in wet areas, such as bathrooms and kitchens.

resistencia de muros de piedras al agua

Fire resistance: Some types of natural stone, such as granite, are resistant to fire, making them an excellent choice for cladding in fire-prone areas.

resistencia de muros de piedras al fuego

Stain Resistance: Natural stone is stain resistant and easy to clean, making it ideal for cladding in areas prone to dirt, such as entryways and high-traffic areas.

muro de piedra sucio

Added value to the property: Wall cladding with natural stone can increase the value of a property, which makes it an excellent option for those looking to improve the return on their investment.

Improving Air Quality: Natural stone is a porous material that helps absorb moisture and remove pollutants from the air, which can improve indoor air quality in a room.

Natural stone wall cladding offers a wide variety of benefits, making it an excellent option for those looking to improve the appearance and functionality of their home or office.

Installation of wall cladding with natural stone

The installation of natural stone wall cladding is a detailed and specialized process that should be performed by a professional with experience in natural stone installation. Some aspects to take into account during the installation of the wall covering with natural stone are:

Surface Preparation: Prior to installation, the wall surface must be clean and free of any loose or contaminating material that may affect mortar adhesion.

Mortar Selection: Selection of the proper mortar is critical to ensuring that the stone veneer adheres properly to the wall. The mortar must be compatible with the type of natural stone used and have adequate strength to support the load of the coating.

Selection of the right Tools: The use of the right tools is essential for its placement, such as rubber hammers, mallets, scalers, chisels, rulers, levels and diamond discs. The rubber mallet is a useful tool for setting the stone, the scaler for shaping, and the chisel or diamond discs for cutting the stone. We must not forget the measurement elements such as rulers, levels, ropes, plumb lines, used to ensure that it is placed evenly.


Stone placement: The stone must be carefully placed in the mortar to ensure a uniform and level installation, to help us we can count on the rubber hammer. It is important to take into account the desired design pattern and the distribution of the pieces to achieve the best aesthetic result. Being able to use the diamond disc to polish the stone and eliminate any irregularities.

Sealing and Finishing: Once stone veneer is installed, it must be properly sealed and finished to protect it from moisture and staining. Sealing must be done according to the manufacturer's instructions, and the finish must be uniform and aesthetically pleasing.

The installation of natural stone wall cladding is a specialized process that must be carried out by a professional with experience in the installation of natural stone, in order to bring out the full potential of stone in your project.

Care and maintenance of walls covered with natural stone

Proper care and maintenance of walls clad with natural stone is essential to ensure its beauty and durability. Some aspects to take into account for the care and maintenance of walls covered with natural stone are:

Regular Cleaning: Walls clad with natural stone should be cleaned regularly to remove dust, dirt, and any other material that may accumulate on the surface. Cleaning should be done with soft, non-abrasive products to avoid damaging the surface of the stone.

Moisture Protection: Walls clad with natural stone can absorb moisture, which can damage the stone and affect its appearance. To protect the walls from moisture, it is recommended to apply a suitable sealant according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Damage Prevention: Walls clad with natural stone must be protected from any potential damage, such as bumps or scratches. It is important to avoid using harsh chemicals and not to use sharp or abrasive tools on the surface of the stone.

Regular inspection: It is important to carry out a regular inspection to detect any damage or signs of wear. If any problems are detected, they must be addressed immediately to prevent them from getting worse.

Proper care and maintenance of walls clad with natural stone is essential to ensure its beauty and durability.

Diversification of services for builders

Service diversification is an important strategy for any builder who wants to stay competitive and take advantage of new business opportunities. Here are some ideas a builder might consider to diversify their services and take advantage of new opportunities:

Installation of green roofs: The installation of green roofs can be a cost-effective and different way to diversify your services and attract clients who are looking for greener and more sustainable constructions.

techos verdes

Energy Efficiency Services: Offering energy efficiency services, such as solar panel installation, can be a cost-effective way to diversify services and attract customers seeking more sustainable and cost-effective solutions.

eficiencia energética

It is important to consider what services are in demand in your area and how you can differentiate yourself from the competition. In addition, it is essential to take into account the necessary training and the costs associated with the diversification of services. By exploring new opportunities, a builder can improve their profitability and remain competitive in an ever-changing market.


In conclusion, natural stone wall cladding is a popular and effective option for enhancing the appearance and functionality of a room. The benefits of natural stone include its resistance to water, fire and stains, its ability to increase property value and improve indoor air quality.

In addition, the diversification of services for builders can offer profitable and disruptive opportunities to expand their service portfolios and differentiate themselves from the competition. Disruptive ideas include installing green roofs, building container homes, offering home automation services, and improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

Ultimately, it's important for builders to work with trusted suppliers and focus on customer satisfaction to ensure the long-term success of their business. By offering high-quality and innovative services, builders can attract a loyal and profitable customer base in an increasingly competitive market.



In this article, we want to talk about the types of masonry that are used in construction. But firstly, we would like you to know that masonry is one of the oldest construction methods known to humans. There are unique or historical structures scattered around the world that still persists over time thanks to the way they are built. This construction system is essential in some buildings to ensure resistance and durability. 

The technique used for this system is to overlap materials such as bricks, concrete blocks, sheets, or rocks when building a wall, parameter, or division. To adhere one material to another, it is necessary to use a mixture of water, lime, or cement to finally obtain a solid structure. Currently, there are different types of masonry. 

Each one differs by the materials used and some other aspects. For example, wedges are often used in masonry to adjust and level the stones or blocks of masonry during the construction process. Now that we know what masonry construction is and how it works, we will proceed to know, in the following section, the types of masonry that exist.



This masonry system is based on the use of lime or cement mortars, assuming that the stones must adapt to each other as much as possible to leave the smallest space of gaps or rat-holes to be filled with mortar.


In this type of masonry, no mortar is used, so it is considered a type of masonry without reinforcement. The technique of this traditional construction consists of the manual placement of materials or elements that are superimposed without any type of filling, coating, or sealing. The small gaps that are left free are usually filled with very small stones called ripios.

 It is highly valued, thanks to the fact that its decorative character comes from the use of already worked stones (polished, cut and varnished). In fact, we can enjoy this type of masonry in parks or large avenues. 


 Stone masonry consists of creating walls or pillars using natural stones that may be previously treated or chamfered. In fact, one of the difficulties to consider in the construction with stone masonry is the irregularity in shape and dimension of the natural stone. But on the other hand, it is this fact that gives it its characteristic and valued appearance today.


In this type of masonry, the walls are built with bricks and fixed with mortar formed in columns, which are reinforced from the ground with beams fixed and filled with concrete.

This type of masonry is used especially in constructions that have quite high heights and also to support roofs. On the outside, it can resist horizontal walls on top of it and has the capacity to withstand wind shocks.


It is a masonry in which the construction elements are placed in a polygonal way, keeping their faces together at all times. For a correct appearance the exterior pieces must be placed preserving the polygonal aspect. 

In order to achieve the effect of rubble masonry, it is necessary that the contact surfaces are flat and equal, thus achieving a pattern that combines square and rectangular looking masonry.

This technique stands out as one of the most elegant and refined masonry solutions. The type of mortar that is usually used to join the pieces together is cement, allowing the space between each piece to be effectively covered.


Taking stock of all the characteristics offered by the masonry technique, we would highlight, without any doubt, its great durability and good resistance. For this reason, mainly, this technique has become over the years one of the most used in construction works. Even so, it is normal for it to suffer some pathologies due to the passage of time, excessive overloads, changes in humidity, deformations, and sometimes fissures and cracks, which will have to be repaired.

We hope you have enjoyed this first contact with the world of masonry construction, its types and some examples. 

And remember, you can contact us for any questions or doubts you may have.

We are at your disposal!

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Recomended products Stone carving tools

The best stone carving tools

Rock & Tools Sculpture Tools

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