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Main differences between hammers and mallets for sculpting

Main differences between hammers and mallets for sculpting

There are various different types of hammers and mallets for sculpting, although they are not all used for the same purposes. If you only recently started using your own tools for sculpting, you may be asking yourself: “when should I use each of them?” If this is the case, don’t worry, because in this post we will help you to understand the main differences between hammers and mallets for sculpting, and which you should choose for each case.


The working part of the tool is usually made of steel, while the part that is used for holding the tool is generally made of wood or rubber. Although the most well-known type of hammer is the one with flat ends, as well as another kind with a kind of downward curve, there are other types of hammers that are more useful for sculpture.

  1. Manual hammers for bush hammering. These kinds of hammers are used for bush hammering stone. If you’d like to know more about this technique, there is a post on our blog where we talk about it in depth.

  2. Splitting hammers. As the name indicates, these hammers are designed specifically for splitting stone into two blocks.

  3. Crandall hammer.This unique hammer is ideal for adding texture to blocks of sandstone.

  1. Toothed stone axes. This is one of our most popular tools. At least one side of its head will be toothed and it is used primarily for working on the edges of a piece of stone.


As opposed to hammers, mallets usually have a rounded head made from different materials, such as steel or white beech, although there are some with a flat head. Their handles are usually shorter than those on hammers and they are commonly used as a tool for striking other sculpting tools, such as chisels, for example.

  1. Round mallet. This mallet has a rounded striking surface that enables you to make solid strikes easily.
  2. Round white beech mallet. This mallet is hardened to give it more power, making it more effective.
  3. Ergonomic mallet. In addition to its hardened steel bell, this type of mallet also has a fully ergonomic wooden handle for a better grip.

How can you use it safely?

It’s very important to take precautions when working with this tool. It is essential that you minimise risks, to protect yourself and anyone else nearby. We will outline some guidelines that you should follow:

  • Make sure that the hammer or mallet you’re using is the correct size and weight. If it is too heavy this could cause unnecessary accidents.
  • Before beginning, check that your tools are in good condition, that they are not broken, that the handle and head are properly attached, etc.
  • Protect yourself with glasses, gloves and a mask to work safely.
  • Once you’ve finished, make sure you clean up properly and tidy everything away, including your tools. It is essential that you clean your tools after use, both the heads and the handles, to ensure they are properly maintained.

We have all the tools for sculpting stone that you could possibly need.

At Rock&Tools we are specialists in the sale of high-quality tools for sculpting stone. If you’d like to start making your own pieces and you have a clear idea of what you’d like to do, but you’re not sure what tools you should be using, ask us and we can give you personalised advice to ensure that you choose the perfect option for you. We’d love for you to join our community

Last modified on: March 29, 2021

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